
当泰勒·赖斯站在 布兰斯科姆礼堂的舞台 在南方大学致告别辞 这是对2009届毕业生的演讲,很明显 他在学术上前途光明 他的. 他毕业于 2013年在奥本大学获得B.S. in 分子生物学,完成奖学金 美国国立卫生研究院(NIH) 现在是耶鲁大学的博士生 大学,最负盛名的常春藤之一 美国的联盟学校.

We caught up with Tyler to learn more about the amazing research opportunities he’s undertaking at 耶鲁大学 as well as the impact that his years at ladbrokes立博亚洲 had in preparing him for life.


参与杂志: 有哪些? 你参加过的活动 在LCS工作期间?

泰勒大米: 我打网球 团队五年,参加乐队, 学生会,a队,还有前几个 首届LCS足球赛季. Livesay 和伊恩·托马斯一起记录每场比赛的数据, 米克林·格雷夫斯和我作为观察员 统计工作人员.

EM: 哪位老师对你的影响最大?为什么?

TR: Mr. 史蒂夫·利弗塞向我挑战 在我所有的努力中追求卓越, 不但要荣耀神,也要爱人 我的邻居工作很熟练 和努力. 多萝西·塞耶斯写道 在1942年的一篇题为 为什么工作?, "教会有责任确保 如果工作是为上帝服务的,并且 工人为工作服务.“我很清楚 作为一名学生,Mr. Livesay 确实忠实地完成了他的工作,就像 他漫长而多变的职业生涯是这两者的典范 卓越与服务. 他也是 第一个引起我注意的人 奥本大学,他的母校.

EM: 你的职业是什么? 学生时代的志向 在LCS?

TR我记得我曾经想成为一名 当时的生物医学工程师是一种职业 这通常适用于工程原理 解决医学和生活中的问题 科学.

EM: 你入选了LCS “为生活做准备”的活动. 告诉我你觉得LCS准备得怎么样 你,不仅在学业上,而且在生活中.

TR我的LCS家庭在很大程度上塑造了今天的我, 尤其是我相信人们, 他们的心, 是我应该优先考虑的吗, 正如圣经所教导的. 如果我不爱我的社区或同事, I could carry out groundbreaking work that would fall completely flat because I “missed the mark.” The God of the universe and the people He made in His image should always be 价值d more highly than inanimate objects or achievements.

EM: 如果你能选择一样东西 关于你在LCS的经历 最感激的,你会说什么?

TR牛仔裤时代. 不,开个玩笑! One LCS experience that is unique from other typical schools that I will always remember warmly is Work-a-Thon. A full day of service and connecting with Lakelanders was a great opportunity to be the “hands and feet” of Jesus. 尽管有那么多袋树叶, Work-a-Thon was always full of laughter as we got to participate in the kingdom of God in action.


EM: 你上过奥本大学. 你的研究重点是什么 在那里?

TR我在奥本大学的学术工作是 基本上就是获取很多不同的“工具” 放进我的科学“工具箱”.“当然了。 没有掌握这些实验工具 但我接触到了一个广泛的 生物学家用来探测的各种系统 自然界的错综复杂,从 农作物到纳米材料到奇异 深海无脊椎动物. 任何人都可以 可以学习这些核心科学工具以及如何学习 对我们的世界提出深刻的问题 哪个点是可以自由漫游的 他的兴趣可能带他去的地方. 在奥本 我学会了如何学习,然后我开始 从那里缩小到一个特定的领域.

EM: 你早年知道吗 本科阶段你想做什么, 还是你改变主意了,因为你 在学校取得进步?

TR在大学期间,我的想法发生了很大的变化. 从一开始,我就有一种预感,我想以某种方式参与科学, but not until senior year when I took an immunology course did I really find that inner spark of intense curiosity. 免疫系统非常复杂, but 在那里 are many central questions that remain unanswered (Why are allergies and autoimmune disease so prevalent? 为什么只有一些疫苗有保护作用? 免疫疗法在治疗癌症方面能走多远?).

EM: 你觉得LCS怎么样 为上大学做准备?

TRLCS的学者在 为我上大学做准备,尤其是在 写作和交流的舞台. No 不管你的专业是什么,所有的大学生 被期望清楚地传达他们的想法 关于各种各样的话题和课程 LCS非常严格地要求我 清晰有效的沟通.

EM: 你在 贝塞斯达国立卫生研究院, 马里兰. 你在那里做了什么? 什么 这是你研究的重点吗?

TR: At the NIH I learned a lot about antiviral immune responses by studying a mouse model of human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), 哪种病原体对婴儿特别致命. 我们了解到某些益生菌, 和酸奶里的相似, can help prime the innate immune system such that a viral infection is less inflammatory in the airways. 在这个项目的过程中, 虽然, 重要的是要承认我在实验室里犯了很多很多的错误. Conducting research takes persistence and dedication, and my excellent, kindhearted mentor, Dr. 海琳罗森博格, 支持我,通过那些艰难的教训塑造我,让我变得更好, 更有弹性的科学家.


Tyler visited and interviewed at several colleges around the United States before choosing to study Immunology at the 耶鲁大学 University School of Medicine.

EM: 当你决定追求一个 Ph.D. 程序,过程是什么 你是怎么决定去耶鲁的?

TR申请生命科学的研究生院和申请大学很相似, but then some programs that consider you as a candidate will typically fly you to their campus for a recruitment weekend. I visited several schools around the country and ultimately chose to join 耶鲁大学 Immunobiology because of its tight-knit research community. 横跨大约20个实验室小组, the people in this department are so genuine and kind— they regularly offer to help each other with experiments, 的想法, 技术, 以及实验室之外的日常事物. Also when I was in high school I did not know that most programs in the 科学 will pay their grad students to go to school—it’s essentially a job.

EM: 你每天都做些什么 耶鲁大学?

TR: At this point I’ve finished all my classwork, so an average day involves little to no studying. 而, 我推动了几个研究项目, 我的时间都用来培养细菌了, 小鼠实验设置, 分析细胞, 测序基因组,然后和我的实验室伙伴讨论结果(以及不可避免的失败). Recently we’ve also begun some collaborations with clinical researchers that provide us access to various patient cohorts and their samples. 当然, 我也做一些不那么刺激的事情, 喜欢阅读我所在领域的最新研究文献, 做了很多很多的ppt幻灯片.

Tyler spends much of his time at 耶鲁大学 conducting research that will help people who suffer from diseases such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.

EM: 你的工作重点是什么 研究,你希望做什么 在工作期间完成任务?

TR: My research focuses on mucosal immunology: the interface between the many immune cells in the intestinal tissue and the approximate 100,000,000,000,000(100万亿)细菌生活在人类肠道内——共生微生物群. Some people develop inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) like Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis that stem from excess immune activation in their gut, 尽管与健康个体携带相同类型的共生细菌. We’re trying to elucidate the molecular principles that dictate this host- microbe relationship such that doctors might be able to intervene in order to restore IBD patients to health. 开发预防性疫苗也是一个目标, 虽然 we need a clearer understanding of the underlying biology to inform our vaccine design.

EM: 你的研究 发表. 给我们讲讲吧.

TR我是Dr . robert博士发表的几项研究的作者. Rosenberg that reported our work on lactobacillus and the mouse pathogen Pneumonia Virus of Mice (the ortholog of human RSV). We found that immune cells called monocytes and macrophages contribute to protective anti-inflammatory responses by signaling through a few key receptors. 最近,我正在和我现在的导师,Dr. 诺亚棕榈, in which we’ve evaluated how the immune system “keeps tabs” on a particular commensal bacteria through the actions of an antibody, 免疫球蛋白A (IgA). This bacterial species lives peacefully inside many healthy people but can also drive IBD under certain unfavorable conditions.

EM: 之后你想做什么 你受够了教育?

TR: After completing my PhD I will likely take a postdoctoral fellowship position in another lab to further diversify my research training and become more independent in my investigations. Ultimately I’d like to lead my own laboratory team one day at a university or hospital or research institute. Chasing a particular research question seems very appealing as well as the opportunity to mentor young scientists in my lab. I’ve had a number of mentors who have contributed so much to my growth as a person and scientist, 我想用我自己的学员来传递这一点.


EM: The mission of ladbrokes立博亚洲 is to educate students in the light of God’s Word to equip them for a lifetime of learning, 领导, 服务和敬拜. The goal is to prepare students not only during the few years they’re 在LCS but for a lifetime. 这个使命在你的生活中是如何发挥作用的——并且还在继续发挥作用?

TR: My time 在LCS taught me that not only should I strive to continue learning throughout my whole life, but also to reconsider daily how my identity in Christ provides a different perspective on work and relationships than that of other worldviews. 他呼召我首先爱他,并用我发现的真理荣耀他, 那就爱我的邻居, 倾听他们, 珍惜他们,尽我所能把他们引向福音的盼望. 我时常充满感激和敬畏,因为这就是神呼召我去做的事, 所以我所能做的就是以顺服和信心与他同行.


戴尔,K.D.等。. (2015). 杂志 病毒学杂志[j].02279-02215. Percopo C.M.等。. (2015). 抗病毒研究,121,109-119. 大米、T.A.等。. (2016). 抗病毒 研究132,131-140.